CSR Introduction
Sustainability will always be integral to the Group’s business endeavours. This is reflected in our continued commitment to deliver shared value for our stakeholders through sustainable and responsible stewardship in all aspect of our business.
The Group’s corporate responsibility (CR) blueprint of “Nurturing Sustainability” focuses on four pillars for continuous improvement in implementing best practices in accordance with Bursa Malaysia’s CR framework. These are categorised under Productivity and Innovations, Invest in People, Returning to Community and Care for Environment. These pillars mirror the Bursa Malaysia’s CR framework that emphasis on the Marketplace, Workplace, Community and Environment.

The Group’s CR framework is our mantra or way of life as it continues to be immersed in our business model and daily operation towards better productivity and services in a more responsible and sustainable manner. By ingraining these intertwined imperatives and a host of CR initiatives within our people and business dealings, the Group is confident of becoming an exemplary corporate citizen whilst continuously exercising improvement initiatives.

As the Group rolls out existing CR initiatives while introducing new ones, we are affirmed that our efforts will bring forth tangible outcomes that will deliver positive social, economic and environmental footprints and create shared value for our relevant stakeholders. We endeavour to integrate our role as a corporate citizen within our day to day business activities.
We are committed to the triple bottom-line – People, Planet, and Profit.